A washing machine is roughly 1 cubic yard

A refrigerator is roughly 2 cubic yards

A dresser is roughly 2 cubic yards

A love seat is roughly 2 cubic yards

A couch is roughly 2.5 cubic yards

A couple of contractor full bags would be roughly 1 cubic yard

At S & S Junk Removal, we believe in transparent pricing. We have five pricing points.

  • 1 item (i.e., refrigerator, washer, couch)

  • 1/4 Trailor 2.25 Cubic Yards

  • 1/2 Trailor 4.5 Cubic Yards

  • 3/4 Trailor 6.75 Cubic Yards

  • Full Trailor 9 cubic Yards

Our minimum pickup fee is $75.

5% Discount to our Military Veterans